Learn Samskrit – the Language of Jyotisha
• Course contents are e-book and self-learning videos in Samskrit.
• This is Introductory Grammar book to learn Jyotisha Text books.
• You should be comfortable in communitive Samskritam as all the videos are explained in Samskrit.
• Terminology from Jyotisha textsare used to teach grammar.
• This is taught in simple Samskrit language.
• Total videos = 49 Total viewing time is around 18:00 hours.
• Write all exercises in a separate workbook and verify it with “uttaradeepika” provided at the end.
• Knowledge of Devanagari lipi is required.
• If you do not know Devanagari lipi, please visit www.samskrittutorial.in & watch videos of Class 1 to 4).
• You should be comfortable in communitive Samskritam as all the videos are explained in Samskrit.
• Level 1 & 2 of yoga, Ayurveda, Gita, Vedanta will give you necessary Listening & Spoken skills.
• Anyone interested to learn Samskrit &Jyotisha Shastra.
• These courses are prepared considering that the learner is 16+.
1. Listen to videos repeatedly if you have difficulty first time.
2. By the end of this level, you will be a good in all 4 linguistic skills.
3. Watching every day continuously, gives excellent results.
4. Please attempt self-evaluation questions after every video to understand your grasp.
5. Please use CHAT or WhatsApp or email to put your doubts &questions to a teacher.
6. You can take test at the end.