nyāyasūtrāṇi (Learn Samskrit - The Language of nyāyaśāstra)
• Course contents are e-book and self-learning videos in Samskrit.
• This is an advance level book to study nyāyasūtrāṇi.
• Total videos = 83 ; Total Viewing time= 25 hours.
• You will study around 533 “Nyāyasūtrāṇi” explained in detail.
• The coursecontent is logically grouped in two books–Nyāyasūtrāṇi-I and Nyāyasūtrāṇi-II.
• Theseare reference books. It is worth studying and referring these on need basis.
• Learner should have good command over Samskrit Grammar.
• Those who have completed Samskrit BA, MA etc, Kovida exam of Samskrita Bharati or DeekshaPathykram from Central Samskrit University.
• Research Students to understand research methodology.
• Lawyers to master ‘logic to arrive at any conclusion’.
• This course is prepared considering that the learner is 16+.
1. The course is designed as self-study material in a way that learner would enjoy the contents.
2. Please check website for details on the weekly classes in this category.
3. Please use CHAT or WhatsApp or email to put your doubts & questions to a teacher. Please communicate with instructors or teachers only in Samskrit.
4. This course supports your interest to learn subject text and gives all linguistic help required. Please pursue & master Samskrit. No test or certificate is provided for this course.